“Apart from sex, what else do women bring to the table?”
That statement is like a national anthem that was composed by a man or group of men who mingled with the wrong women.
Here is the question meanwhile; can we use your personal experience as the standard measure? I don’t think so. This is not a dogma.
Here’s what you need to know before you make that silly statement. For a woman to bring something to the table, there has to be a table in the first place. Some of you make that stupid statement yet you don’t even have a goat to your name, what money are you talking about. Mcheeeewww.
Most times, the type of woman you attract depends on the kind of person you are.
Also Read: To my Valentine……..
Apart from money and sex, can your spouse run to you for advice, spiritual or whatever?
Can you lay your hands on her head and pray for her out of her misery?
How often do you pray to God to guide your relationship? I bet you don’t even know how to say ‘Hello God’.
If you want a woman to be your peace, please be at peace with God. Another thing, people interact with God differently, just because you flaunt your knowledge of God doesn’t mean you’re righteous.
Your relationship with God will lead you to the person God has in mind for you. Not your vulgarity and personal attacks towards women.
It’s not all about financial security, as important as that is, there’s more to it.
A woman who meets a well-prepared table knows too well how to keep it that way.
She knows she’s entering a relationship where the atmosphere is positively charged. Everything that happens to you is a complete replica of everything you do.
With the power of discernment over your life, you can even tell when she’s pretending. Without that, you’ll keep making statements that reveal how shallow-minded you’re.
Let the woman find contentment in you on a physical, financial and spiritual level.
It takes one good man and one good woman to make a relationship work.
Anything that looks like a penis can give a woman an orgasm. Even dildos do that. It takes a man of faith to build a woman spiritually and lead her to God’s plans.
A man without any form of spiritual guidance is a time bomb waiting to explode.
Meanwhile, don’t mind my language.