“Hey…Dian, Deee…girl…wake up!” I heard Lindsey’s voice through my deep slumber. I knew we had a plan but I had waited for so long that I fell asleep. I opened my eyes. The cubes where we stayed were filled with darkness. Some girls were already asleep.
“It’s done. Come we go. NOW!” she whispered. I stretched myself and sat up. I still felt sleepy but she held my hand and got me into reality. I had already parked my handbag with all that I would need, as soon as we had succeeded in moving out. For the past two months, I have been fully nagged by the long dress code and the veiling at all times. It sucks!
I pushed my tinny legs into my open sandals, held my bag and we tiptoed through the corridors until we were finally out.
“This way” Lindsey called and like a blind man, I followed. For minutes, I wanted to stand, and figure out if this was right…but Lindsay gave me no time to hesitate.
“A minute!” she said just as we reached the gate. She went and talked to one of the askaris, and then later, she summoned me to move. We were out of the campus premises in the next three minutes. Kenny’s car was awaiting us already. There was another gentleman in, whom I guessed to be Lindsey’s new boyfriend.
“We did it,” Lindsay shouted in great excitement as she turned and gave all of us high fives. To her boyfriend, she accompanied him with a kiss. I looked out of the window. Didn’t want to see whatever was happening.
“My love, how have you been? You look stunningly beautiful in that black dress. Now I just wonder how you would look like when it’s off…” Kenny said. I was used to him being honest. We had been dating, now for two months Lindsay, upon joining campus she came with an extra phone, which she gave to me. It had her number and Kenny’s already saved there… and that’s how our love story began Every weekend, he sent me money just to have a weekend treat. He never ceased, day by day, to express how much he loved me, and how lucky he was that I had accepted him.
Just a few weeks back, he texted me that he missed seeing me…I showed Lindsay the message, and she told me not to worry. She would come up with a way.
“I miss seeing my guy too!” she said and how she planned it all, I can’t tell but it just so happened, on this specific weekend that she told me all was planned, and this Friday night would leave us in the comfort of love. This is where I found myself…
“Bestie, come and drive. I need to give company to my lady behind there.” Kenny said. He joined me behind a few minutes after. He held my hand…and bowed slightly, making his head come into contact with mine. He later on made mine rest on his shoulder.
Whatever Lin was doing to her man, I couldn’t figure it out. His reaction made me think something somewhere was going on…however, they were both silent.
“Guys, where are we heading to?” Kenny asked.
“It’s a Friday man. That’s a rhetoric question.”
“So club?” Kenny asked
“Missed that.” Lin added.
“Honey, we shall go clubbing tonight.” Kenny told me, just to confirm it to me.
“No…please.” I, with no strong confidence said
“What! Dee! Don’t shame me girl.”
“I can’t go to the club Lin.”
Also Read: Memories of my mom
“Look at her, where will you find a better life than this? In Christ through which your mama raised you? Of course, you also saw how boring that life is…stop the bullshit girl.”
“Yes, stop the bullshit.”
“Lin, let’s respect Diana’s decision, please. You and Ian can proceed to the club. I’ll take her to a place of her own choice.” I was glad Kenny had intervened.
“If you say so, bro!” Lindsay quickly accepted. “So, drop us at the club, and you guys sort yourselves. Dee, where will Kenny take you?” she asked
“I have no idea. You know I do not know any cool place around. But I feel a little weak anyway.” I said back.
“I’ll take you for a beautiful dinner. You will take off the buibui, and wear something nice. If you don’t have it, we can pass by a boutique, and I get you one.” Kenny said.
“I have.” I interjected, without pause.
“But Dee…anyway…!” Lin said. I sensed disappointment in her voice. I knew what exactly she expected me to do. To accept the offer of shopping in a boutique. I was sorry I didn’t accept. They were dropped off at one specific club, and asking me to come and take the passenger’s seat, Kenny drove off to a beautiful restaurant at the outskirts of the city.
“What do you think the time is?” I asked Kenny. He never let go of my hand.
“Exactly 11P.M”
“Yeah, it’s late. I can see you are not used to this life darling. I’m so sorry but I’m getting to learn slowly, who you are, and with time, I’ll work perfectly in your lifestyle do you mind changing?” he asked. I was wearing a jeans panty and a pink top inside so I just pulled off the buibui. He went out, and came to my side, opening the door for me.
“We can have dinner, and later I’ll take you home.”
“Yes. My home. Your home.” We walked into the hotel and we were attended to quickly. I asked for chips and liver, my favorite dish.
“How do you find love, and me?” he asked
“You are both great. I love both of you.” He laughed. I was so glad I had made him laugh.
“You know, when I had just seen you, I knew you would be perfect for me…and I would have done anything to have you.” I smiled. He touched my chin, and smiled too.
“Can I ask you something?” I managed to ask.
“How comes you had no girlfriend, before you met me? Or you had one, and probably, you still have?”
“I’ll be honest with you…I broke up with my girl when I met you. At first, I thought I could keep you both and later make a choice, but you were far irresistible than her. I decided to make the choice there and then.”
“For how long had you dated?”
“One year, and before that, I had a girl but she left for studies abroad. It was the end of us. For her, we had dated for two full years. I’m a good boy…wanna know about me, ask my sister.”
“Your sister says no man is worth to be trusted.”
“Lindsay is crazy but I know she loves you. If she never trusted me, she wouldn’t have let you fall in love with me.”
“Yeah. I guess so. It was my first time to love. I never knew how it felt to be in love with someone until the day I texted you that I love you…from that day henceforth, I have been feeling different but you will surely forgive me, there is a life I will not adopt to…life of clubbing, outings, drinking, and so forth. I’m a believer.”
“I see, thanks for opening up to me. I’ll surely respect that…so, it’s almost 1 A.M. Can we leave?”
“Sure. Thanks for the dinner.” I told him. He pecked me on my right cheek, and holding my hand just once again led me off back to the car and drove off.
“Where do you crib?” I asked him, getting used and comfortable with him.
“Uzima flats.”
“Nice. I think you people are very rich back home. I don’t know why Lindsay loves money so much yet she must have grown up with all that she needs.”
“My dear, our parents had it all. I’m their only boy, perhaps, that’s why I hold a comfortable luxurious position at the moment but for Lindsay, she has always preferred making her own money. And yeah, she has always been free to do that.”
We reached his crib at half past 2. “This is my home. You are most welcome love.”
“You rent?”
“No. these are father’s apartments. So I secured one for myself.” he led me off into the room. Everything was organized. All time long, I had not taken time to think about my mother, a mere thought about her would spoil my night…
Also Read: Love is finding me
“Beautiful place.” I complimented.
“What next?” I asked.
“Sleep. You must be tired.”
“Would love to take a shower first,” I told him. He directed me where the bathroom was.
“Mind showering with you?” he called from outside the bathroom.
“I mind. Next time.”
Peace is what I felt at the moment. Free, I was free. With the man, I loved, and trusted. I took my time to shower, and later returned with a towel around me.
“I’ll give you one of my T-shirts to act as a nightie.”
“Thanks,” I said. He handed me a black T-shirt. I asked him kindly to give me some privacy as I dressed up. I jumped in bed a few minutes later, and slept off immediately, only to be woken up later, with one single touch…a touch that was so new to me, one I couldn’t explain, one I found hard…very hard to resist.
Here’s to love, honey,” he said thus I felt myself, falling right into cloud nine…
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