As narrated by Diana
It has been five months now, ever since I adopted a new life. A life, where it’s just Kenny and I. We keep hoping and praying for that day, when we shall finally carry our pink jet…yes pink. A baby girl just like me. I keep telling Ken, that I will give all the freedom to my daughter, and I am willing to treat her right, and above all, show her what’s right, and that, which is wrong.
To mom, it’s not that she gave up on me, no she didn’t. I just felt like I wasn’t ready to walk back to her…to that life…nevertheless did I know that the next phone call she made to me was a trap. They were tracking my location…I mean mom and the police. She was telling me how much she loved me, and how she wished me to have the best life ever… and in the next hour, I heard a knock on the door. We rarely received visitors, but there she was, with two police officers, and one elder in the church.
“Mom!” I had exclaimed upon seeing her. The police officers, without a word, had got into the house, and searched in all rooms thoroughly.
‘Where is the father?” mom finally asked me.
“Why mother? You want to arrest him. Have you thought about me? I love him. Have you thought about the step I’ll take if he is arrested?” I asked, feeling deep anger.
“What can’t you see? The man impregnated you, took you out of school, so what’s next?”
“I’m not complaining mom. Ken is the best thing that has happened to me. When he is arrested, forget about me too.” I was not threatening her. I was just being serious. I had my own family now, and just because she was my mom, she had no right to interfere. She rendered silent as if trying to meditate about what was next. By now, I knew she was too desperate to have me back…back to her prison. She ordered the police officers to leave and they obeyed without question.
“We want to talk to your man, then.” The elder said.
Also Read: Time is not now
“No problem. He is at work. He can come back anytime.” I comfortably said, ordering Suzie, my maid to serve them some juice. I excused myself, and I made a call to Kenny.
“Mom is here. She wants to talk with you.” I told him.
“What? Is she taking you away?”
“Perhaps, if you delay, she will,” I told him. The extent to which Ken loved me, he couldn’t have let this happen, and just in twenty minutes, he was home. Sending out a word of greeting to both mom and the church elder, he made himself comfortable beside me. I served him juice.
“We are sorry we came here without informing you.” The church elder began.
“It’s well sir.” Kenny responded instantly.
“We would like to talk about issues concerning this girl, and we would like to know what the two of you think.” I saw mom’s eyes glued on my tammy. Thank God it was not even yet out.
“Sir, you got this girl out of school. What are your plans?”
“I’m starting up a business for her, very soon.”
“Business, huh! What business?”
“You don’t have to worry sir; she made her choice and I’m working on it.”
“So, did you think about her parents?”
‘Oh yea, I always do. I was planning to come for a visit, just as soon as she gives birth. However, if that is far, I can do it soon. I’m more than ready sir.”
“Even if we say you wed her tomorrow, will you?”
“Oh sure, sir. That is my dream. Just when I talked to her about it, she told me her religion does not permit wedding a pregnant woman. I am personally an Anglican, and my religion wouldn’t have any fuss about it.”
“And school? Did school just end like that?” Mom finally asked.
‘No, ma’am. Sometime in future, Dee can go back and study. All I have to do now is for her happiness.”
“Let me talk to the mom, for a few minutes. Excuse us,” the church elder said and they went out.
“I love your confidence, babes.”
“It’s all because of love.” He kissed me on the lips, and just then, mom and the elder returned.
“The mom wants to ask her daughter if she thinks she is ready for marriage.” The church elder said.
“Well, Kenny and I know each other too well to start up a life on our own. I wouldn’t mind if we get married. I trust him.”
“Good. Since in our Adventist church, just like she told you we can’t wed someone already pregnant, then start the plans. The wedding can take place in your church. We are doing all this to avoid this thing called shame.”
“I know…” Kenny added quickly. So what will be required from me?”
‘Nothing…” mom quickly said. I’m not selling my daughter. All I want is for her to be happy and not to live in shame. I want her to live in holy matrimony and Kenny, is that your name again?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Please treat my daughter right. If what you hold for her is really love, then love her right. Could be I wasn’t a perfect mother to her, but I raised her as a single mom. Treat her right. Inform us after deciding your dates. We can leave now, elder.” For the first time, I felt true love from mom, before she left, she hugged me, and held me in her arms for so long. I only prayed she did not cry.
Kenny was fast in informing his parents about our plans. He also opened up to them about my pregnancy. They were happy for him, and his mother deeply fell in love with me. Yes, I will call it falling in love. We picked on a date, during the semester break. Ken proposed to me before we finally walked down the aisle. Since my stomach had not protruded yet, a few people were in a position to tell that I was pregnant, that was four months ago. Just as I talk now, I’m officially married to Kenny and life has been good, I can say. I’m not complaining. Mom checks on me, a number of times, and she keeps on encouraging me. My siblings too, visit me occasionally. Dan is becoming a man every now and then…and Daisy is still that little girl under mom’s wings.
“Mom changed, the way she treats me. I’m free to visit my best friend once in a while.” She told me this a month ago. I am just so glad Daisy has some freedom now. To be honest, I have no regrets. Not at all…is this love?
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